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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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New!  Kansas Home Care Association Webinar Series

2015 Medicare Hospice Updates

Part 1 -- Recording now available  

New Requirements for Reporting on the Hospice Payment Cap

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST

Webinar Overview:  Beginning with the cap year ended October 31, 2014, hospice providers must now file a Medicare payment cap settlement report with their Medicare administrative contractor.  Understanding the deadline and requirements is important for hospice agencies to ensure there are no delays in Medicare cash flow.    

This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cap reporting, identify the external and internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.

Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·        Identify the new requirements for reporting on the hospice Medicare annual payment cap.

·        List the sources for the elements of the hospice Medicare annual payment cap calculations.

·         Describe the form in which the Medicare annual payment cap must be reported.

Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff

Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA, Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Mark, BKD’s Home Care & Hospice Center of Excellence Coordinator, has over 20 years of experience assisting home care and hospice providers with audits, strategic planning, accounting, cost reports, projections, operating budgets, corporate integrity, agency start-up and mergers and acquisitions. His services include Medicare and Medicaid consulting, development of budgeting systems and performing benchmarking and productivity studies. He also provides management oversight for BKD’s home care clinical consulting and billing services team.

Part 2 

Medicare Hospice Billing and Compliance Update

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST

Webinar Overview:  Hospice regulatory requirements have become increasingly complex in recent years and 2014 was no exception, with substantial changes occurring in Medicare billing requirements in April and October. As these requirements are expected to continue to change in the coming years, the Medicare hospice benefit continues to receive heightened scrutiny from CMS and program integrity contractors. 

It is critical that hospice providers take time now to assess compliance with the latest requirements, evaluate potential threats to cash flow, and to improve positioning for expected future regulatory changes.

This webinar will focus on reviewing recent regulatory requirements, examining and applying industry revenue cycle performance benchmarks, and analyzing and managing typical revenue cycle compliance risks.

Objectives: After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Apply understanding of October 1, 2014, Medicare hospice billing requirements to hospice revenue cycle.

·        Identify typical compliance risks that surface in the hospice revenue cycle.

·        Apply hospice revenue cycle performance benchmarks.

·        Apply strategies for effective ongoing oversight and management of the hospice revenue cycle. 

Target Audience:  Hospice directors, financial managers, business office personnel, and compliance personnel

Speaker:  M. Aaron Little, CPA, Managing Director, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Aaron has over 15 years of experience with BKD and oversees the operations of BKD Health Care Revenue Cycle Services, a special team that manages the billing and revenue cycle operations for more than 100 home care, hospice and senior living organizations throughout the nation.  A CPA and leading national home care and hospice consultant, he is frequently sought for his expertise on revenue cycle operations, compliance, and reimbursement matters.  He is a frequent speaker at national, regional and state industry events and is often quoted in national industry periodicals.  He also chairs and participates in multiple committees for the Home Care & Hospice Financial Managers Association.  


Part 3 

Hospice Medicare Cost Report Changes:  Get a Proper Start

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST

Webinar Overview:  The hospice Medicare cost report has undergone a major overhaul. The changes are significant and effective for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2014. Hospice providers need to make sure their internal record keeping provides sufficient tracking for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost reports.

This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cost report, identify the internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.

Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the upcoming changes in the Hospice Medicare cost report.

·        Initiate necessary adjustments in hospice internal record tracking for accurate and complete.

·         Understand the anticipated uses of the new hospice cost report information available through the new cost report forms.

Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff

Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA, Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Series Registration Fee:  KHCA Members:  $298;  Non-Members:  $596.  This fee provides access to all three webinars – individual webinar registration is not available.  Registration fees are based on one phone/webinar connection per webinar offering; multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection.  Sharing of registration or fees with other agencies and/or individuals is prohibited.

Recording:  If you are unable to participate in one or more of the live webinars of this series, recordings will be made available online for one month following each original presentation date.

Registration Deadline:   Friday, March 27, 2015.  Those registering after the series has started will receive limited access to the recording(s) (see above).

Confirmation:  Approximately five days prior to each live webinar, a confirmation will be emailed to you.  This confirmation will include a link to access the presentation handouts, the sign-in sheet, and evaluation, as well as a link enabling you to access the webinar.

CEUs:  Kansas Home Care Association is approved as a provider of CNE by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Each course offering is approved independently for 1.2 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number: LT0287-314.  APRNs, RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation in order for contact hours to be awarded – partial credit will not be available.  To apply for nursing contact hours, within one week following the webinar, a completed sign-in sheet and evaluations from each individual must be returned to KHCA along with a $10/person processing fee.  Certificates will then be issued by e-mail. 

Questions?  Contact Kristen Ada, KHCA Program Manager, at 913/669-0460 or

Click here to register on-line now. Save time and travel costs and include all staff members who will benefit from this program!


New!  Kansas Home Care Association Webinar Series

2015 Medicare Hospice Updates

Presented by 

Mark P. Sharp, CPA


M. Aaron Little, CPA,

Managing Director


Springfield, MO

Part 1 

New Requirements for Reporting on the Hospice Payment Cap

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Beginning with the cap year ended October 31, 2014, hospice providers must now file a Medicare payment cap settlement report with their Medicare administrative contractor.  Understanding the deadline and requirements is important for hospice agencies to ensure there are no delays in Medicare cash flow.   


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cap reporting, identify the external and internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the new requirements for reporting on the hospice Medicare annual payment cap.

·         List the sources for the elements of the hospice Medicare annual payment cap calculations.

·         Describe the form in which the Medicare annual payment cap must be reported.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA

Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Mark, BKD’s Home Care & Hospice Center of Excellence Coordinator, has over 20 years of experience assisting home care and hospice providers with audits, strategic planning, accounting, cost reports, projections, operating budgets, corporate integrity, agency start-up and mergers and acquisitions. His services include Medicare and Medicaid consulting, development of budgeting systems and performing benchmarking and productivity studies. He also provides management oversight for BKD’s home care clinical consulting and billing services team.

Part 2 

Medicare Hospice Billing and Compliance Update

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Hospice regulatory requirements have become increasingly complex in recent years and 2014 was no exception, with substantial changes occurring in Medicare billing requirements in April and October. As these requirements are expected to continue to change in the coming years, the Medicare hospice benefit continues to receive heightened scrutiny from CMS and program integrity contractors.


It is critical that hospice providers take time now to assess compliance with the latest requirements, evaluate potential threats to cash flow, and to improve positioning for expected future regulatory changes.


This webinar will focus on reviewing recent regulatory requirements, examining and applying industry revenue cycle performance benchmarks, and analyzing and managing typical revenue cycle compliance risks.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Apply understanding of October 1, 2014, Medicare hospice billing requirements to hospice revenue cycle.

·         Identify typical compliance risks that surface in the hospice revenue cycle.

·         Apply hospice revenue cycle performance benchmarks.

·         Apply strategies for effective ongoing oversight and management of the hospice revenue cycle.


Target Audience:  Hospice directors, financial managers, business office personnel, and compliance personnel


Speaker:  M. Aaron Little, CPA

Managing Director, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Aaron has over 15 years of experience with BKD and oversees the operations of BKD Health Care Revenue Cycle Services, a special team that manages the billing and revenue cycle operations for more than 100 home care, hospice and senior living organizations throughout the nation.  A CPA and leading national home care and hospice consultant, he is frequently sought for his expertise on revenue cycle operations, compliance, and reimbursement matters.  He is a frequent speaker at national, regional and state industry events and is often quoted in national industry periodicals.  He also chairs and participates in multiple committees for the Home Care & Hospice Financial Managers Association. 




Part 3 

Hospice Medicare Cost Report Changes:  Get a Proper Start

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  The hospice Medicare cost report has undergone a major overhaul. The changes are significant and effective for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2014. Hospice providers need to make sure their internal record keeping provides sufficient tracking for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost reports.


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cost report, identify the internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the upcoming changes in the Hospice Medicare cost report.

·         Initiate necessary adjustments in hospice internal record tracking for accurate and complete.

·         Understand the anticipated uses of the new hospice cost report information available through the new cost report forms.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA, Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO


Series Registration Fee:  KHCA Members:  $298;  Non-Members:  $596.  This fee provides access to all three webinars – individual webinar registration is not available.  Registration fees are based on one phone/webinar connection per webinar offering; multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection.  Sharing of registration or fees with other agencies and/or individuals is prohibited.


Recording:  If you are unable to participate in one or more of the live webinars of this series, recordings will be made available online for one month following each original presentation date.


Registration Deadline:   Friday, March 27, 2015.  Those registering after the series has started will receive limited access to the recording(s) (see above).


Confirmation:  Approximately five days prior to each live webinar, a confirmation will be emailed to you.  This confirmation will include a link to access the presentation handouts, the sign-in sheet, and evaluation, as well as a link enabling you to access the webinar.


CEUs:  Kansas Home Care Association is approved as a provider of CNE by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Each course offering is approved independently for 1.2 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number: LT0287-314.  APRNs, RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation in order for contact hours to be awarded – partial credit will not be available.  To apply for nursing contact hours, within one week following the webinar, a completed sign-in sheet and evaluations from each individual must be returned to KHCA along with a $10/person processing fee.  Certificates will then be issued by e-mail. 


Questions?  Contact Kristen Ada, KHCA Program Manager, at 913/669-0460 or

New!  Kansas Home Care Association Webinar Series

2015 Medicare Hospice Updates

Presented by 

Mark P. Sharp, CPA


M. Aaron Little, CPA,

Managing Director


Springfield, MO

Part 1 

New Requirements for Reporting on the Hospice Payment Cap

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Beginning with the cap year ended October 31, 2014, hospice providers must now file a Medicare payment cap settlement report with their Medicare administrative contractor.  Understanding the deadline and requirements is important for hospice agencies to ensure there are no delays in Medicare cash flow.   


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cap reporting, identify the external and internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the new requirements for reporting on the hospice Medicare annual payment cap.

·         List the sources for the elements of the hospice Medicare annual payment cap calculations.

·         Describe the form in which the Medicare annual payment cap must be reported.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA

Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Mark, BKD’s Home Care & Hospice Center of Excellence Coordinator, has over 20 years of experience assisting home care and hospice providers with audits, strategic planning, accounting, cost reports, projections, operating budgets, corporate integrity, agency start-up and mergers and acquisitions. His services include Medicare and Medicaid consulting, development of budgeting systems and performing benchmarking and productivity studies. He also provides management oversight for BKD’s home care clinical consulting and billing services team.

Part 2 

Medicare Hospice Billing and Compliance Update

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Hospice regulatory requirements have become increasingly complex in recent years and 2014 was no exception, with substantial changes occurring in Medicare billing requirements in April and October. As these requirements are expected to continue to change in the coming years, the Medicare hospice benefit continues to receive heightened scrutiny from CMS and program integrity contractors.


It is critical that hospice providers take time now to assess compliance with the latest requirements, evaluate potential threats to cash flow, and to improve positioning for expected future regulatory changes.


This webinar will focus on reviewing recent regulatory requirements, examining and applying industry revenue cycle performance benchmarks, and analyzing and managing typical revenue cycle compliance risks.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Apply understanding of October 1, 2014, Medicare hospice billing requirements to hospice revenue cycle.

·         Identify typical compliance risks that surface in the hospice revenue cycle.

·         Apply hospice revenue cycle performance benchmarks.

·         Apply strategies for effective ongoing oversight and management of the hospice revenue cycle.


Target Audience:  Hospice directors, financial managers, business office personnel, and compliance personnel


Speaker:  M. Aaron Little, CPA

Managing Director, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Aaron has over 15 years of experience with BKD and oversees the operations of BKD Health Care Revenue Cycle Services, a special team that manages the billing and revenue cycle operations for more than 100 home care, hospice and senior living organizations throughout the nation.  A CPA and leading national home care and hospice consultant, he is frequently sought for his expertise on revenue cycle operations, compliance, and reimbursement matters.  He is a frequent speaker at national, regional and state industry events and is often quoted in national industry periodicals.  He also chairs and participates in multiple committees for the Home Care & Hospice Financial Managers Association. 




Part 3 

Hospice Medicare Cost Report Changes:  Get a Proper Start

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  The hospice Medicare cost report has undergone a major overhaul. The changes are significant and effective for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2014. Hospice providers need to make sure their internal record keeping provides sufficient tracking for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost reports.


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cost report, identify the internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the upcoming changes in the Hospice Medicare cost report.

·         Initiate necessary adjustments in hospice internal record tracking for accurate and complete.

·         Understand the anticipated uses of the new hospice cost report information available through the new cost report forms.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA, Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO


Series Registration Fee:  KHCA Members:  $298;  Non-Members:  $596.  This fee provides access to all three webinars – individual webinar registration is not available.  Registration fees are based on one phone/webinar connection per webinar offering; multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection.  Sharing of registration or fees with other agencies and/or individuals is prohibited.


Recording:  If you are unable to participate in one or more of the live webinars of this series, recordings will be made available online for one month following each original presentation date.


Registration Deadline:   Friday, March 27, 2015.  Those registering after the series has started will receive limited access to the recording(s) (see above).


Confirmation:  Approximately five days prior to each live webinar, a confirmation will be emailed to you.  This confirmation will include a link to access the presentation handouts, the sign-in sheet, and evaluation, as well as a link enabling you to access the webinar.


CEUs:  Kansas Home Care Association is approved as a provider of CNE by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Each course offering is approved independently for 1.2 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number: LT0287-314.  APRNs, RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation in order for contact hours to be awarded – partial credit will not be available.  To apply for nursing contact hours, within one week following the webinar, a completed sign-in sheet and evaluations from each individual must be returned to KHCA along with a $10/person processing fee.  Certificates will then be issued by e-mail. 


Questions?  Contact Kristen Ada, KHCA Program Manager, at 913/669-0460 or

New!  Kansas Home Care Association Webinar Series

2015 Medicare Hospice Updates

Presented by 

Mark P. Sharp, CPA


M. Aaron Little, CPA,

Managing Director


Springfield, MO

Part 1 

New Requirements for Reporting on the Hospice Payment Cap

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Beginning with the cap year ended October 31, 2014, hospice providers must now file a Medicare payment cap settlement report with their Medicare administrative contractor.  Understanding the deadline and requirements is important for hospice agencies to ensure there are no delays in Medicare cash flow.   


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cap reporting, identify the external and internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the new requirements for reporting on the hospice Medicare annual payment cap.

·         List the sources for the elements of the hospice Medicare annual payment cap calculations.

·         Describe the form in which the Medicare annual payment cap must be reported.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA

Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Mark, BKD’s Home Care & Hospice Center of Excellence Coordinator, has over 20 years of experience assisting home care and hospice providers with audits, strategic planning, accounting, cost reports, projections, operating budgets, corporate integrity, agency start-up and mergers and acquisitions. His services include Medicare and Medicaid consulting, development of budgeting systems and performing benchmarking and productivity studies. He also provides management oversight for BKD’s home care clinical consulting and billing services team.

Part 2 

Medicare Hospice Billing and Compliance Update

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Hospice regulatory requirements have become increasingly complex in recent years and 2014 was no exception, with substantial changes occurring in Medicare billing requirements in April and October. As these requirements are expected to continue to change in the coming years, the Medicare hospice benefit continues to receive heightened scrutiny from CMS and program integrity contractors.


It is critical that hospice providers take time now to assess compliance with the latest requirements, evaluate potential threats to cash flow, and to improve positioning for expected future regulatory changes.


This webinar will focus on reviewing recent regulatory requirements, examining and applying industry revenue cycle performance benchmarks, and analyzing and managing typical revenue cycle compliance risks.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Apply understanding of October 1, 2014, Medicare hospice billing requirements to hospice revenue cycle.

·         Identify typical compliance risks that surface in the hospice revenue cycle.

·         Apply hospice revenue cycle performance benchmarks.

·         Apply strategies for effective ongoing oversight and management of the hospice revenue cycle.


Target Audience:  Hospice directors, financial managers, business office personnel, and compliance personnel


Speaker:  M. Aaron Little, CPA

Managing Director, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Aaron has over 15 years of experience with BKD and oversees the operations of BKD Health Care Revenue Cycle Services, a special team that manages the billing and revenue cycle operations for more than 100 home care, hospice and senior living organizations throughout the nation.  A CPA and leading national home care and hospice consultant, he is frequently sought for his expertise on revenue cycle operations, compliance, and reimbursement matters.  He is a frequent speaker at national, regional and state industry events and is often quoted in national industry periodicals.  He also chairs and participates in multiple committees for the Home Care & Hospice Financial Managers Association. 




Part 3 

Hospice Medicare Cost Report Changes:  Get a Proper Start

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  The hospice Medicare cost report has undergone a major overhaul. The changes are significant and effective for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2014. Hospice providers need to make sure their internal record keeping provides sufficient tracking for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost reports.


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cost report, identify the internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the upcoming changes in the Hospice Medicare cost report.

·         Initiate necessary adjustments in hospice internal record tracking for accurate and complete.

·         Understand the anticipated uses of the new hospice cost report information available through the new cost report forms.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA, Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO


Series Registration Fee:  KHCA Members:  $298;  Non-Members:  $596.  This fee provides access to all three webinars – individual webinar registration is not available.  Registration fees are based on one phone/webinar connection per webinar offering; multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection.  Sharing of registration or fees with other agencies and/or individuals is prohibited.


Recording:  If you are unable to participate in one or more of the live webinars of this series, recordings will be made available online for one month following each original presentation date.


Registration Deadline:   Friday, March 27, 2015.  Those registering after the series has started will receive limited access to the recording(s) (see above).


Confirmation:  Approximately five days prior to each live webinar, a confirmation will be emailed to you.  This confirmation will include a link to access the presentation handouts, the sign-in sheet, and evaluation, as well as a link enabling you to access the webinar.


CEUs:  Kansas Home Care Association is approved as a provider of CNE by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Each course offering is approved independently for 1.2 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number: LT0287-314.  APRNs, RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation in order for contact hours to be awarded – partial credit will not be available.  To apply for nursing contact hours, within one week following the webinar, a completed sign-in sheet and evaluations from each individual must be returned to KHCA along with a $10/person processing fee.  Certificates will then be issued by e-mail. 


Questions?  Contact Kristen Ada, KHCA Program Manager, at 913/669-0460 or

New!  Kansas Home Care Association Webinar Series

2015 Medicare Hospice Updates

Presented by 

Mark P. Sharp, CPA


M. Aaron Little, CPA,

Managing Director


Springfield, MO

Part 1 

New Requirements for Reporting on the Hospice Payment Cap

Tuesday, March 10, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Beginning with the cap year ended October 31, 2014, hospice providers must now file a Medicare payment cap settlement report with their Medicare administrative contractor.  Understanding the deadline and requirements is important for hospice agencies to ensure there are no delays in Medicare cash flow.   


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cap reporting, identify the external and internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the new requirements for reporting on the hospice Medicare annual payment cap.

·         List the sources for the elements of the hospice Medicare annual payment cap calculations.

·         Describe the form in which the Medicare annual payment cap must be reported.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA

Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Mark, BKD’s Home Care & Hospice Center of Excellence Coordinator, has over 20 years of experience assisting home care and hospice providers with audits, strategic planning, accounting, cost reports, projections, operating budgets, corporate integrity, agency start-up and mergers and acquisitions. His services include Medicare and Medicaid consulting, development of budgeting systems and performing benchmarking and productivity studies. He also provides management oversight for BKD’s home care clinical consulting and billing services team.

Part 2 

Medicare Hospice Billing and Compliance Update

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  Hospice regulatory requirements have become increasingly complex in recent years and 2014 was no exception, with substantial changes occurring in Medicare billing requirements in April and October. As these requirements are expected to continue to change in the coming years, the Medicare hospice benefit continues to receive heightened scrutiny from CMS and program integrity contractors.


It is critical that hospice providers take time now to assess compliance with the latest requirements, evaluate potential threats to cash flow, and to improve positioning for expected future regulatory changes.


This webinar will focus on reviewing recent regulatory requirements, examining and applying industry revenue cycle performance benchmarks, and analyzing and managing typical revenue cycle compliance risks.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Apply understanding of October 1, 2014, Medicare hospice billing requirements to hospice revenue cycle.

·         Identify typical compliance risks that surface in the hospice revenue cycle.

·         Apply hospice revenue cycle performance benchmarks.

·         Apply strategies for effective ongoing oversight and management of the hospice revenue cycle.


Target Audience:  Hospice directors, financial managers, business office personnel, and compliance personnel


Speaker:  M. Aaron Little, CPA

Managing Director, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO

Aaron has over 15 years of experience with BKD and oversees the operations of BKD Health Care Revenue Cycle Services, a special team that manages the billing and revenue cycle operations for more than 100 home care, hospice and senior living organizations throughout the nation.  A CPA and leading national home care and hospice consultant, he is frequently sought for his expertise on revenue cycle operations, compliance, and reimbursement matters.  He is a frequent speaker at national, regional and state industry events and is often quoted in national industry periodicals.  He also chairs and participates in multiple committees for the Home Care & Hospice Financial Managers Association. 




Part 3 

Hospice Medicare Cost Report Changes:  Get a Proper Start

Tuesday, March 31, 2015 * 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. CST


Webinar Overview:  The hospice Medicare cost report has undergone a major overhaul. The changes are significant and effective for fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2014. Hospice providers need to make sure their internal record keeping provides sufficient tracking for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost reports.


This webinar will provide an overview of the changes in the Medicare cost report, identify the internal records needed for accurate and complete preparation of the new cost report, and discuss anticipated uses of the information submitted in the filings.


Objectives:  After attending this webinar, the participant will be able to:

·         Identify the upcoming changes in the Hospice Medicare cost report.

·         Initiate necessary adjustments in hospice internal record tracking for accurate and complete.

·         Understand the anticipated uses of the new hospice cost report information available through the new cost report forms.


Target Audience:  Hospice administrators/directors, financial officers, and business office staff


Speaker:  Mark P. Sharp, CPA, Partner, BKD, LLP, Springfield, MO


Series Registration Fee:  KHCA Members:  $298;  Non-Members:  $596.  This fee provides access to all three webinars – individual webinar registration is not available.  Registration fees are based on one phone/webinar connection per webinar offering; multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection.  Sharing of registration or fees with other agencies and/or individuals is prohibited.


Recording:  If you are unable to participate in one or more of the live webinars of this series, recordings will be made available online for one month following each original presentation date.


Registration Deadline:   Friday, March 27, 2015.  Those registering after the series has started will receive limited access to the recording(s) (see above).


Confirmation:  Approximately five days prior to each live webinar, a confirmation will be emailed to you.  This confirmation will include a link to access the presentation handouts, the sign-in sheet, and evaluation, as well as a link enabling you to access the webinar.


CEUs:  Kansas Home Care Association is approved as a provider of CNE by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. Each course offering is approved independently for 1.2 contact hours applicable for APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing provider number: LT0287-314.  APRNs, RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation in order for contact hours to be awarded – partial credit will not be available.  To apply for nursing contact hours, within one week following the webinar, a completed sign-in sheet and evaluations from each individual must be returned to KHCA along with a $10/person processing fee.  Certificates will then be issued by e-mail. 


Questions?  Contact Kristen Ada, KHCA Program Manager, at 913/669-0460 or

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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