Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association
Please go to this link https://uhc.webex.com/uhc/j.php?ED=196663522&UID=498503202&PW=NZDlmMmZiZTRh&RT=MiM3 When you get into the webex it will ask them for a call back number and then it will call you. Please log in at least 10 minutes before 1:00 p.m. so that there is time for the system to call back. We have scheduled three separate conference calls with the Medicaid Managed Care Companies that are contracted for KanCare. They have promised to have the appropriate people on the calls that should be able to, if not answer a question, be able to find out the answers for us. They seem to be open and most willing to work on our issues. This is why we have asked in advance for your lists of issues with each contractor. We’ve received quite a few and will be sending these to the MCO’s in order for them to be better prepared on the calls. We would strongly urge you to have the members of your staff who have experienced the most concerns – spent the most time and can explain the issue in a clear concise manner – on these calls. We will be limited to one hour and need to cover as much as possible. Since the companies will have some of your issues ahead of time – these are the issues that will be addressed first and foremost. Please plan ahead for these calls.
We have scheduled three separate conference calls with the Medicaid Managed Care Companies that are contracted for KanCare. They have promised to have the appropriate people on the calls that should be able to, if not answer a question, be able to find out the answers for us. They seem to be open and most willing to work on our issues. This is why we have asked in advance for your lists of issues with each contractor. We’ve received quite a few and will be sending these to the MCO’s in order for them to be better prepared on the calls.
We would strongly urge you to have the members of your staff who have experienced the most concerns – spent the most time and can explain the issue in a clear concise manner – on these calls. We will be limited to one hour and need to cover as much as possible. Since the companies will have some of your issues ahead of time – these are the issues that will be addressed first and foremost. Please plan ahead for these calls.
Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email: khcha@kshomecare.org
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