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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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Monthly Member Roundtable

  • Thursday, January 16, 2025
  • 11:00 AM
  • Zoom
  • 74



Beginning in January 2025, all KHCHA members are invited to participate in our Monthly Member Roundtables at 11:00 am CT on the third Thursday of every month. Each month will cover a different topic and will be hosted/facilitated by a different KHCHA District or At-Large Representative. Join us!!

I am excited to host the first roundtable meeting in 2025! 

We are pleased to have Jeff Miller and perhaps others from KDHE as guest speakers!  He has been instrumental in helping many of us with challenges with Authenticare. This will be a very timely topic as the claims processing updates that will require that all transactions run through Authenticare is scheduled to deploy on January 23.  

Jeff has asked that we send him any specific topics that we want covered to him prior to the roundtable. Please include those in your registration or send directly to Kristen at!

Pam Morgan

Director of Finance

Douglas County Visiting Nurses Association, Inc.

KHCHA At-Large Representative

Registration is required in order to receive Zoom link.

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