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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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Value-Based Purchasing: Strategies for Success

  • Friday, November 11, 2022
  • Wednesday, January 04, 2023
  • On-Demand Webinar Series


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:

Registration is closed

The Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association is pleased to bring you this educational program through an agreement with the Connecticut Association for Healthcare at Home.

Value-Based Purchasing:

Strategies for Success

3-Part On-Demand Webinar Series

90 minutes each

Available for access until January 4, 2023

Program Description:

Value-Based Purchasing is CMS's newest initiative to improve quality care and incentivize providers to do so.  CMS saved over a billion dollars with the model VBP program and so is implementing the program across the nation effective January 1, 2023.  Key elements are comprised of OASIS, claims and patient satisfaction surveys (HHCAHPS).  Learn how each part of the Total Performance Score is calculated and how this initiative will affect your agency.  Your fellow providers from MA who participated in the model program will provide insight in Part 3. 

Program Objectives:

  • Identify the key elements that make up the VBP expanded model
  • Describe calculation specifics related to OASIS, HHCAHPS, and Claims data in VBP
  • Discuss strategies for your agency's VBP journey


Lisa Selman-Holman JD, BSN, RN, Vice President of Quality & Education at McBee, brings more than 35 years of experience in the home health & hospice industry, specializing in regulatory compliance, both as an RN and a home care attorney. Lisa founded Selman-Holman & Associates and CoDR (Coding Done Right), a coding outsource and audit company in 2004. Lisa has a wide range of regulatory experience in home health and has served on numerous committees and task forces. Selman-Holman was recently acquired by McBee in July 2021. In her role as VP of Education and Quality, Lisa leads the quality audit team to ensure the highest-level of accuracy in coding and clinical documentation internally at McBee and externally for clients nationwide. She will expand McBee’s educational offerings, including live events and on-demand online trainings through the McBee Post-Acute Academy.

Continuing Education Credits:   None

Confirmation:  Within 2 business days of receipt of your registration, a Webinar link will be e-mailed to you. You will also be sent any pertinent handouts if available and evaluation link. 

Registration:  The registration deadline is December 28. Registrations fee is per line/email address.   Multiple staff watching around one computer or in a training room that would be one line but if they are viewing on multiple computers in different locations they should pay “per line”.  Unlimited viewings until January 4, 2023 per person that received the link because the login emails are monitored.  

KHCHA Members:  

  • $180 / line or email address - unlimited recording access for that registered email address until January 4.  


  • $360 / line or email address - unlimited recording access for that registered email address until January 4

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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