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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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District 2 Meeting

  • Wednesday, December 16, 2020
  • 1:00 PM
  • Zoom

Ann Houk and I would like to invite you to the next Kansas Home Care and Hospice Association District 2 meeting on Wednesday December 16th at 1 pm. It will be held via Zoom again.  Although we aren’t able to meet face to face still at this time, we decided at the October meeting to continue to have the Zoom meetings and to have them every other month. Having the meetings every other month and via Zoom allows us to see each other and keep in touch more often during these trying and changing times. It’s also a great way for networking among those involved in the home health and hospice industry.  

While we will have an agenda to discuss a few things, we also would like to try having a round table discussion for this meeting. If you’d like to email me or Ann any ideas or topics you’d like to discuss beforehand, please do so. Otherwise, make a list and join us for the Zoom Meeting.      

Please RSVP by December 14th,2020 if you are able to attend. Thank you and we hope you can join us! 

Ashley Boles, RN-BSN, COS-C

District 2 Co-Rep

Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

Clinical Supervisor

Home Health of Greenwood County Hospital

Phone: 620.583.5909

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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