The Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association is pleased to bring you this educational program through an agreement with the Home Care Hospice & Palliative Care Alliance of New Hampshire.
Series for Beginner Coders
4-Part Webinar Series
Tuesdays, August 11, 18, 25 and September 1, 2020
10:00 to 11:15 Am Central
*recording included!

Accurate coding is essential to assure appropriate reimbursement. The Patient Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) only complicates the already cumbersome process. Prepare more of your staff with this 4-part webinar Series for Beginner Coders. The series will provide attendees with an overview of how to assign codes and examine coding guidelines which are significant for proper sequencing of codes. Specifically designed for the beginner coder, this series is appropriate for all staff involved in coding.
Provide your staff with the information needed to ask the right questions, and collect the necessary data needed for proper reimbursement. Register today!
Please bring your ICD-10-CM Manual to class!
Session 1
Understand the four steps to correctly assign codes.
Begin to explore coding conventions and coding guidelines necessary for proper code assignment.
Gain knowledge& understanding why accurate ICD-10-CM coding is critical in home health.
Session 2
- Continue to learn the coding conventions & guidelines for correct payment.
- Understand how coding impacts PDGM payment methodology.
- Learn how to code the principal diagnosis & comorbidities using ICD-10-CM & OASIS guidelines.
- Discuss the proper sequencing of diagnoses and gain a basic understanding of case mix.
Session 3
Understanding Common Diagnostic Areas – How to Code Correctly: Part 1
- Identify how to code specific diagnostic areas:
- Diabetes;
- Neurological Diagnoses;
- Neoplasms/Cancers;
- Circulatory Diagnoses;
- Respiratory Diagnoses.
- Practice how to code diagnoses based on practice Test Your Knowledge exercises.
Session 4
Understanding Common Diagnostic Areas – How to Code Correctly: Part 2
Speaker: Joan Usher, BS, RHIA, ACE, President, JLU Health Record Systems is a nationally recognized health information management expert. Joan has a degree in Health Information Management and has been a home health consultant for over 25 years. She is an AHMA Approved ICD-10 CM trainer and has educated thousands of clinicians across the country in different elements of OASIS and coding. Whether teaching beginners or advanced clinicians, Joan receives accolades from her program participants. Joan is past president of the Massachusetts Health Information Management Association and is a Board of Director for the Home Care Alliance of MA.
Continuing Education: RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation for contact hours to be awarded. To apply for nursing contact hours, please mail an evaluation form and a completed sign-in sheet, listing the individuals at your facility that participated and noting those requesting contact hours. Individuals requesting contact hours will receive a certificate of contact hours earned. Please make sure that you enter the Contact Person’s name in the Registration Form. All correspondence and site registration information will be sent to this person. No commercial support has been provided for this program.
Registration Fee:
The registration deadline is August 7, 2020. Registrations may not be shared between agencies – the agency’s registration covers the access of one phone line/computer access to the webinar (PLUS THE RECORDING). Multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection. The handouts will be emailed to you to the email address you provide. Please feel free to provide an additional email address as a backup. Recording is available through Sept 30, 2020.
Confirmation: Prior to the webinar, a GoToWebinar link will be e-mailed to you. You will need to register through this link to attend the webinar. You will be sent a confirmation which will include a join link to access the webinar, a dial-in number and an access code to listen in via telephone. You will also be sent any pertinent handouts, if available, an evaluation and certificate.
Cancellations: Fees will be refunded only if written cancellation is received one week prior to the workshop and no refunds after the dial-in number is sent to your agency. In the event of a written cancellation, KHCHA will retain, or charge, $25 of the initial registration fee, per registrant, to cover administrative overhead.
Questions? Contact Kristen Ada, KHCHA Director of Programs & Member Services, at 913/669-0460 or