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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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District 2 Meeting

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2018
  • 12:00 PM
  • Midwestern College, 7607 E. Harry, Wichita, KS

I want to invite everyone to the Kansas Home Care and Hospice Association District 2 Meeting on Wednesday November 14th at 12:00pm. It will be held at Midwestern College located at 7607 E. Harry in Wichita. We will discuss recent changes impacting Home Health and Hospice as well as educational opportunities available to KHCHA members.

I am currently looking for someone to sponsor lunch. Let me know if you would like to sponsor the lunch.

If you are interested in attending, please let me know. Since lunch will be provided, you will need to RSVP by Friday November 2 if you are able to make it.


Thank you to Ann Houk, RN MSN/Ed MHA at Home Health of Kansas for providing us with a location for the meeting!

Hope to see you there!

Ashley Boles, RN-BSN, COS-C
District 2 Rep
Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

Clinical Supervisor
Home Health of Greenwood County Hospital
Phone: 620.583.5909

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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