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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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Reducing Hospital Re-Admissions

  • Wednesday, May 09, 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Webinar


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The Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association is pleased to bring you this educational program through an agreement with the Home Care Association of New Hampshire...

Reducing Hospital Re-Admissions


Wednesday, May 9, 2018
12:00 –  1:30 pm CST **

** Recording available for those unable to participate live.

Overview:  Changes to reimbursement and funding has meant reducing acute care hospitalizations isn’t just good for your patients, it’s critical to your agency’s bottom line as well. Hospitalization is extremely expensive, accounting for one third of the $2 trillion in total annual health spending in the U.S. last year.  Perhaps surprisingly, as many as one in nine hospital admissions is a re-hospitalization – when a patient is readmitted to hospital within 30 days. For the elderly, re-hospitalization can be traumatizing, yet it might be avoidable. Learn proactive solutions to improve your readmission rates using the PDSA approach.


  • Define and utilize a PDSA approach
  • Identify the primary causes of readmissions in your agency
  • Develop a Performance Improvement Project that will fit into the new Quality management & COP
  • Discuss the process to be used including data sources and education components
  • Apply this information to achieve both positive change and compliance with the new QM process 


Kathy Roby, BSN, MA, MS, CHCE, Senior Project Manager, Qualidigm.  Kathy is the Consulting Director at Qualidigm, which is New England’s QIN-QIO.  She has lectured nationally on transformational change in the home healthcare setting.  Roby has assisted large and small agencies develop strategic initiatives to improve quality, safety, and cost-effective service. 

Continuing Education:

The presenters and program planners have no conflict of interest regarding this webinar. RNs and LPNs must participate in the entire presentation for contact hours to be awarded.  To apply for nursing contact hours, please e-mail a typed list, and attach an evaluation form and a completed sign-in sheet, listing the individuals at your facility that participated and noting those requesting contact hours.

Individuals requesting contact hours will receive a certificate of contact hours earned. Please make sure that you enter the Contact Person’s name in the Registration Form. All correspondence and site registration information will be sent to this person. No commercial support has been provided for this program.

Convenience:  Enjoy the convenience and cost-efficiency of a webinar – watch the speaker’s slide presentation on the internet while listening by telephone or through your computer’s microphone and speakers (VoIP).  There is no limit to the number of attendees from your agency who may participate at your site using one phone line and a computer with internet access. 

Confirmation: Prior to the webinar, a GoToWebinar link will be e-mailed to you. You will need to register through this link to attend the webinar. You will be sent a confirmation which will include a join link to access the webinar, a dial-in number and an access code to listen in via telephone. You will also be sent any pertinent handouts if available.

Registration Fee: Registration fees are based on one phone/webinar connection; multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection. Please note: if your agency has sent in 1 registration but 3 people from your agency register through the GTW link, your agency will be invoiced for the 2 additional registrations.  Following the webinar, you will receive a link to access the recording.

  • KHCHA Members:  $150 
  • Non-Members:  $300 

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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