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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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Cybercrime: Do You Have a Plan?

  • Thursday, October 26, 2017
  • Wednesday, November 15, 2017
  • 3 sessions
  • Thursday, October 26, 2017, 1:00 PM 2:30 PM (CDT)
  • Tuesday, October 31, 2017, 1:00 PM 2:30 PM (CDT)
  • Wednesday, November 15, 2017, 1:00 PM 2:30 PM (CST)
  • Webinar Series


(depends on selected options)

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The Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association is pleased to bring you this educational program through an agreement with The Missouri Alliance for Home Care...

Cybercrime:  Do You Have a Plan?

3-Part Webinar Series

Presented by Ricky Smith, President,
Innovative Business Technologies

October 26, October 31, and November 15, 2017

1:00 pm –  2:30 pm CST **

** a recording will be available for those unable to participate live

Part 1:  Security & Data Loss Prevention

October 26, 2017—As organizations recognize the growing risk of data loss and the importance of data security; data loss solutions become more attractive. Although most organizations express an awareness of data loss capabilities, they struggle to make the business case for the product’s adoption, and achieving project buy-in from executives is a key first step to any security endeavor as well as ensuring a secure environment to business partners. 

This webinar will provide insight on some technical safeguards to mitigate risks, Ricky will review compliancy concerns as it relates to Emergency Preparedness and Risk Management, and the financial impact of a data breach.


Part 2:  Security Awareness for the End-User

October 31, 2017—Organizations are being put under a microscope when it comes to their cyber security practices. Costs are too high to overlook the importance of effectively equipping end-users with the skills and the need to combat the growing threat of cybercrime. 

Cybercrime is one of the top economic crimes in the world, with cost estimates soon to reach into the trillions. Not only have victim demographics expanded from the large well-known organizations to the small and mid-sized, healthcare providers are now a consistent target. This webinar provides training to the end-user helping them identify and avoid potential risks.


Part 3:  Data Protection and Recovery

November 15, 2017—Protecting vital company information with a formal plan often comes at a high cost but not having one could result in the crippling loss of data, trust from clients, partners, or reduced revenue due to a stoppage in business. Non-performing or non-existent archiving and backup services makes accomplishing regulatory compliance difficult, and lack of disaster recovery plan could result in loss of data and critical systems. 

This webinar will discuss details to implement backup and restore solutions. Discussion on effective data management   strategy which will drive stability within the organization and improves productivity.

Presenter: Ricky Smith, President, Innovative Business Technologies, Inc., a SOC II compliant Cloud Service Provider and Managed IT Service organization that works primarily with healthcare providers. Prior to IBT, Ricky spent 11 years with the homecare and hospice product group of McKesson Information Solutions. As Director of Technical Services, he became passionate about IT’s ability to facilitate patient care.   Ongoing research on technology trends, as it relates to Healthcare Providers, allows him to maintain expertise in data security, compliancy, business continuity, and risk analysis. 

Continuing Education: Missouri Alliance for Home Care is an approved provider of Continuing Nursing Education by the Midwest Multistate Division, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Commission on Accreditation. 
Participants will earn a maximum of 1.5 nursing contact hours per webinar.

The program planner and presenters have no conflict of interest in regards to this webinar. 

Confirmation: Participants will receive an email 1-2 days prior to the webinar with instructions on how to log on and all materials needed.

Registration Fee per site/phone connection: Registration fees are for one (1) phone connection.  SHARING OF REGISTRATION OR FEES WITH OTHER AGENCIES AND/OR INDIVIDUALS IS PROHIBITED. 

KHCHA Members:  
  • $130 per live webinar connection OR recording
  • $360 for full series - live webinars OR recordings
  • $260 per live webinar connection OR recording
  • $720 for full series - live webinars OR recordings

Recordings: The recordings of the webinars will be sent to the registered participants at least 1-2 weeks after the live program.

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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