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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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A Team Approach to Medication Management

  • Tuesday, December 13, 2016
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Webinar


Registration is closed

The Kansas Home Care Association is pleased to bring you this educational program through an agreement with the Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina…

A Team Approach to 
Medication Management

Webinar – Tuesday, December 13, 2016

2:00 to 3:30 p.m. CST*

*Recording available for 30 days following live webinar

Medication management is a key component of quality home health care.  Medication related issues are a leading cause of hospitalization/ re-hospitalization for all patients, but especially for older patients.

Several Care Transition Coordination Demonstration Projects have significantly decreased hospital re-admissions, reduced health care cost and decreased mortality of community dwelling patients through improved medication education and management of medications. Home health staff are in the perfect position to positively impact medication management because we are in the homes of our patients and can readily recognize concerns and issues as well as significantly impact better medication management.

Home Health Value Based Purchasing, Star Ratings, Home Health Compare and IMPACT have all targeted aspects of medication management as key outcomes as part of their quality initiatives. In addition, medication related deficiencies are among the top cited issues in home health certification surveys.

It takes the entire home health team working together to address this vital aspect of health care to make a difference and improve the quality of care for those we serve every day. This 90 minute webinar is devoted to promoting a Team Approach to Medication Management in home health. The program will include:

  • An overview of projects that have had a significant impact on improving patient’s life quality while reducing health care costs and other negative consequences of inadequate medication management.
  • Discuss the accurate scoring of the OASIS items related to medication management to ensure that home health agencies capture credit for their contributions to superior outcomes related to medication management.
  • Identify strategies to improve medication management, with special focus on the drug regimen review and focused interventions that have proven effective in decreasing medication related issues.
  • Identify basic actions each member of the home health team can take to improve the overall success of medication management and the benefits to our patients.

Presenter: Judy Adams, RN, BSN, HCS-D, AHIMA Approved ICD-10-CM Trainer, Adams Home Care Consulting, Inc. is a well- known health care consultant and speaker with over 30 years of healthcare experience and extensive experience in home care and home health management. Judy frequently speaks nationally on home health coverage; coding; HH COPs; PPS and medical review.

Convenience:  Enjoy the convenience and cost-efficiency of a webinar – watch the speaker’s slide presentation on the internet while listening by telephone or through your computer’s microphone and speakers (VoIP).  There is no limit to the number of attendees from your agency who may participate at your site using one phone line and a computer with internet access. 

Confirmation: Prior to the webinar, a GoToWebinar link will be e-mailed to you.  You will need to register through this link to attend the webinar. You will be sent a confirmation which will include a join link to access the webinar, a dial-in number and an access code to listen in via telephone. You will also be sent any pertinent handouts if available, and the sign-in sheet, and evaluation.

Registration Fee: Registration fees are based on one phone/webinar connection; multiple site participation for your agency will require a separate registration fee for each connection. Please note: if your agency has sent in 1 registration but 3 people from your agency register through the GTW link, your agency will be invoiced for the additional 2 registrations. 

KHCA Members:  
  • $149 / live webinar connection
  • $298 / live webinar connection
All registrants will be sent the recording link following the presentation and it will be available for 30 days following the webinar.  The webinar format allows education of home health  clinicians,  supervisors  and  quality  coordinators in a concise and low cost format plus the additional bonus of having access to the materials for a full thirty days provides additional flexibility to ensure everyone in the agency has an  opportunity to access the information.

The Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina (AHHC) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the North Carolina Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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