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Kansas Home Care & Hospice Association

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Riding the Data Wave: Make Your Data Work for You

  • Tuesday, January 12, 2016
  • Tuesday, February 09, 2016
  • 3 sessions
  • Tuesday, January 12, 2016, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (CST)
  • Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (CST)
  • Tuesday, February 09, 2016, 1:00 PM 2:00 PM (CST)
  • 3-part Webinar Series


  • Access to live presentation on date listed and/or recording through April 9
  • Access to live presentation on date listed and/or recording through April 9
  • Access to live presentation on date listed and/or recording through April 9
  • Access to live presentation on dates listed and/or recordings through April 9
  • Access to live presentation on date listed and/or recording through April 9
  • Access to live on date listed and/or recording through April 9
  • Access to live presentation on date listed and/or recording through April 9
  • Access to live presentations on dates listed and/or recordings through April 9

Registration is closed

The Kansas Home Care Association is pleased to bring you this educational program through an agreement with the Home Care Association of New Hampshire.

Riding the Data Wave:
Make Your Data Work for You

3-Part Webinar Series

Tuesdays, Jan. 12, Jan. 26, and Feb. 9, 2016

1:00 to 2:00 pm Central

Recordings Available through April 9

Are you buried under the wave of data surging across your desk?  This webinar series will focus on effective use and management of home health agency data.  Each webinar will demonstrate practical ways to use your data to make your agency stronger.  These webinars are available individually or as a discounted series and recordings will be available through April 9, 2016.

Managing by Data - January 12, 2016

The volume and types of data collected by home health agencies often overwhelm agency managers and staff.  Successful managers need to sort data for efficient use, analyze its meaning, and use it to make sound decisions.  This program offers guidance on how to accomplish this task. We will identify sources of data, recommend a frequency plan, determine relevant content for management reports, and recognize problem areas identified by each report. Learn to develop targeted plans for problem areas and discuss using reports to monitor progress of corrective action plans.


  • Identify various data types available to agency staff - Fiscal, Organizational, Quality and Compliance Data
  • Describe how to optimally manage and use data to achieve identified goals

Survey & Certification- Survey Ready in 90 Days! - January 26, 2016

Regulatory changes in 2015 and beyond mean Home Health and Hospice providers can expect very different Accreditation/Medicare Certification Surveys in content, approach and expectation.  What might have resulted in a “passing” survey will not meet today’s standards. This program will provide a 90-day Timeline to Survey Readiness based on a PDSA approach and applying quality management principles to the agency’s data. The focus will be on assessing readiness in primary risk areas, establishing compliance goals, creating a PDSA process to achieve them, and maintaining a level of readiness.


  • Identify the 5 primary focus areas of the survey process
  • Identify the steps to follow in preparing agency/staff for the survey process
  • Identify the 10 most common citations and establish a prospective remediation plan to avoid them


Winning the Medicare Triple Crown - February 9, 2016

Do you understand the data behind the 5-STAR ratings?  Will your agency be ready to implement the proposed QAPI changes in the Medicare Conditions of Participation?  Implementing QAPI is a daunting project, even without the additional stress of the star rating system. Learn how to prepare for both of these without overtaxing agency resources.  This webinar will demonstrate how to use your data to build a solid PDSA Plan to improve your 5-STAR Ratings by fully integrating QAPI into the fabric of your organization.


  • Identify the proposed changes to the Medicare Conditions of Participation
  • Identify the elements of the 5-STAR rating system and how your agency can impact these elements
  • Discuss the steps for a successful PDSA QAPI process to improve and maintain your agency’s STAR ratings.

Presenter: Kathy Roby, BSN, MA, MS, CHCE, Senior Project Manager, Qualidigm.  Kathy is the Consulting Director at Qualidigm, which is New England’s QIN-QIO.  She has lectured nationally on transformational change in the home healthcare setting.  Roby has assisted large and small agencies to develop strategic initiatives to improve quality, safety, and cost-effective service.

Convenience:  Enjoy the convenience and cost-efficiency of a webinar – watch the speaker’s slide presentation on the internet while listening by telephone or through your computer’s microphone and speakers (VoIP).  There is no limit to the number of attendees from your agency who may participate at your site using one phone line and a computer with internet access.  Each webinar will be recorded and available to registrants, for no additional fee, through April 9, 2016.

Confirmation:  Prior to the webinar, a confirmation will be e-mailed to you.  This confirmation will include a link to access the presentation handouts, the sign-in sheet, and evaluation, as well as a link enabling you to access the webinar.

Registration Fee: Includes links to live broadcast and recording for no additional cost.                                

KHCA Member


Full Series – Best price!



Managing by Data



Survey & Certification



Winning the Medicare Triple Crown



Cancellation Policy: Fees will be refunded only if written cancellation is received one week prior to the workshop and no refunds after the dial-in number is sent to your agency. In the event of a written cancellation, KHCA will retain, or charge, $25 of the initial registration fee, per registrant, to cover administrative overhead.

No CEU credits will be awarded. 

Phone: (785) 478-3640 | Email:

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