The Kansas Home Care Association is pleased to bring you this educational program through an agreement with the Association for Home & Hospice Care of North Carolina…

Association for Home & Hospice Care of NC
The Caring Connection presents
The Aide’s Role in Effective Communication
Thursday, December 17, 2015
2:00 to 3:00 p.m. CST
CD recording also available.
Description: As the old song says, Santa Claus is coming to town! And hopefully everyone has communicated with Santa what they would like to see in their stockings this year! Effective communication is important for many reasons – but it is vitally important when the care we give patients and the compliance and payment requirements depend on it! Join us for this teleconference on the what, when, where and how of effective communication.
Key Points: Why Communication is Important * Who is looking at our communication efforts, why it's important in public reporting, why it's important for patient care and in the work place. And more importantly, what to do when communication gets off track. The learners will identify their own communication styles, obtain understandings of active listening, identify blockers to effective communication and through scenarios will acquire a better understanding of how to communicate effectively with their supervisors and patients.
Presenter: Sherry Thomas, BSN, MPH has worked in home care for 33 years - as a visiting nurse, supervisor, manager and Director. She was instrumental in starting both a large in-home aide waiver program in NC and a large, hospital based home health agency. Over the years she has taught numerous education classes for home care staff. She is currently the Senior Executive Vice President for the Association for Home & Hospice Care of NC where she advises agencies in NC and SC on policies and regulations and oversees provider education. Sherry was a Johnston Nursing Scholar at the University of NC at Chapel Hill, was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, the Honor Society of Nursing, and has received several industry awards over the years. Most importantly, she loves home care patients and the staff who care for them!
Registration Fees:
KHCA Members: $95 per live line or per CD
Non-Members: $190 per live line or per CD
Convenience: Enjoy the convenience and cost-efficiency of a telephone workshop. There is no travel time involved and no limit to the number of attendees from your agency who may participate at your site through one phone line. All you need to participate is a speaker telephone and a room large enough for your staff. It is a controlled, radio-like environment where you will gather your staff, dial an 800 number, state your verbal password, and you’re connected. You will also be able to participate in a Q&A portion. The teleconference will take place from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. EST., 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. CST.
CD recordings are available for purchase. Please allow 2 weeks following the live presentation to receive the CD by mail.
Cancellations: Fees will be refunded only if written cancellation is received one week prior to the workshop and no refunds after the dial-in number is sent to your agency. In the event of a written cancellation, KHCA will retain, or charge, $25 of the initial registration fee, per registrant, to cover administrative overhead.